U2 – Cada ola que rompe
According to the royal decree-law, the minimum amount to be received bono thermal per user will be 25 euro and, from there, the amount will be determined by the degree of vulnerability of the user and the climatic zone in which the residence is located. The amount to be received will be made by bank transfer to the beneficiary’s account.
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Diego Torres – Sueños (Official Video)
The Minister of Ecological Transition clarified that “some modulations” will be taken into account, as is generally done in this type of aid for people who are victims of domestic violence or who have a disability.
c) Or that the consumer himself and, in the case of forming part of a cohabitation unit, all the members of the same who have income, are pensioners of the Social Security System for retirement or permanent disability, receiving the minimum amount in force at any time for these types of pension, and do not receive other income whose annual aggregate amount exceeds 500 euros.
c) If the consumer or all the members who have income in the cohabitation unit receive a minimum pension, and do not receive other income whose aggregate annual amount exceeds 500 euros, the consumer or the cohabitation unit to which he/she belongs must receive an annual income equal to or less than the Iprem 14 payments: 8,106.28 euros,
APE and PAH demand guaranteed basic supplies in the face of
The text, which has been approved by 182 votes in favor, 150 against and 13 abstentions, has a temporary nature, since it will be in force until next March 31. The decree will be processed by the urgency procedure, as the Government wanted in order to speed up the deadlines. The Ministry of Ecological Transition has offered the groups in its negotiation to raise changes in other projects, since these are temporary measures and reforms in the electrical system are already being processed in the Chamber.
The left-wing groups in the Chamber, for their part, have all positioned themselves in favor, after having been calling for action against the over-remuneration received by the generation plants, which have lower operating costs and which, nevertheless, sell their electricity in line with the escalation of the price of gas and emission rights. In their opinion, this is a “minimum” decree and they have warned that they do not want changes in it to benefit the electricity companies.
For the PP, which has voted against together with Vox, Ciudadanos, UPN and Foro Asturias, this decree “is the paradigm of Sánchez’s policy”. “It is an equilateral triangle with three points: the first is arrogance, nobody listens to anyone, nobody talks to anyone, although it seriously harms the most vulnerable and industry,” said the ‘popular’ deputy Guillermo Mariscal. While Vox has criticized that the Government “gets more benefits than electricity with their taxes”, which in his opinion could be eliminated. “The fiscal sadism of you is superlative,” said José María Figaredo.
U2 – Desire (Vídeo musical oficial)
El nuevo Real Decreto Ley 18/2022 introduce cambios en el Bono Social eléctrico a partir del 20 de octubre de 2022. Para los consumidores que anteriormente recibían el Bono Social, se han incrementado sus porcentajes de descuento, así como los límites de consumo de energía con derecho a descuento (15% adicional).
El Bono Social es un importante descuento en las facturas de electricidad. Está regulado por el Gobierno y su objetivo es proteger a los hogares considerados vulnerables o muy vulnerables por sus condiciones socioeconómicas. Ser beneficiario del Bono Social implica también recibir el Bono Social Térmico definido por el Gobierno.
Para beneficiarse del Bono Social es imprescindible que el beneficiario sea una persona física y tenga contratada la tarifa eléctrica PVPC y una potencia igual o inferior a 10 kilovatios en su vivienda habitual.
2. Pensionistas del Sistema de la Seguridad Social (jubilación o incapacidad permanente): los solicitantes (o en caso de unidad de convivencia, todos sus miembros perceptores de rentas) perciben la pensión mínima (por jubilación o incapacidad permanente). Además, si tienen otra fuente de ingresos aparte de la pensión, el valor anual de estos ingresos no debe superar los 500 euros.